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St Mary's CE Primary School

st mary's CE primary school
Life at St Mary's CE Primary School Life at St Mary's CE Primary School Life at St Mary's CE Primary School Life at St Mary's CE Primary School Life at St Mary's CE Primary School Life at St Mary's CE Primary School Life at St Mary's CE Primary School Life at St Mary's CE Primary School Life at St Mary's CE Primary School Life at St Mary's CE Primary School Life at St Mary's CE Primary School Life at St Mary's CE Primary School Life at St Mary's CE Primary School Life at St Mary's CE Primary School

St. Mary Magdalene Church  

As a church school, we have outstanding links with our Parish church of St. Mary Magdalene, Albrighton. As well as being our Chair of Governors, Reverend Mary's visits our school to lead a weekly act of whole school Collective Worship. The parish/school relationship is strengthened further by the following links:


Every year we hold a Christingle service at church, this has grown in popularity over the years and we regularly have over 200 people in attendance. The children make the Christingles in school and take them to church for the service during the evening.

The children also attend church to celebrate liturgical celebrations such as Pentecost, to participate in the Year 6 Eucharist - following lessons in school and for Worship  - such as the annual Key Stage Two Carol Service. Every Christmas the parish churches join together for 'Experience Christmas,' which is thoroughly enjoyed by staff and pupils -

"Thank you so much for enabling the children to come to church for Experience Christmas today.  All the volunteers have said how much they enjoyed spending time with the children and how profound some of the conversations were." Reverend Mary.

Reverend Mary also provides support for our RE curriculum, for example holding a baptism in church for pupils learning about this sacrament. During our wellbeing day, children took time out of lessons to talk to Mary and share some spiritual time.


Our Headteacher is a regular contributor to the Parish Magazine, sharing our work in school with the local parishioners, below are some examples or her articles.

Wellbeing Day

Outdoor Learning

Joint Statement during Lockdown.