RSHE Offer
At St Mary's we teach RSHE (Relationships, Sex and Health Education) through out the school, as part of our regular PSHE curriculum.
Teaching RSHE is statutory in mainstream primary schools.
Please see the DfE guidance on this here:
Department for Education - Statutory Guidance for RSHEPlease find below our RSHE schedule.
Please find below the links to the Medway Changing and Growing Programme.
The Medway resources will be the main planning and resources that will be used to teach RSHE within St Mary's school. However, if teachers should feel that they would like to supplement these resources with some others, the only permitted substitutions are below. These resources are provided by the Church of England.
KS1 Knowledge organiser - Health Education
KS1 possible activities - Health education
KS1 Knowledge organiser - Relationships education
KS1 possible activities - Relationships education
KS2 Knowledge organiser - Health education
KS2 possible activities - Health education
KS2 Knowledge organiser - Relationships educationKS2 possible activities - Relationships education