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St Mary's CE Primary School

st mary's CE primary school


Year 2 

Welcome to Year Two with Mrs Jackson  


Long Term Plan

Summer Term

Welcome to Year 2! Summer Term is going to be full of learning and some exciting opportunities for a trip or two! In Geography are learning 'what it is like to live by the coast' which may give us an opportunity to visit somewhere exciting! History, later in the term will explore monarchs. In Science, the children will have the opportunity to learn about living things and their habitats. OWL sessions will link to our Geography topic and Science learning.

Spellings - New spellings will be given each Friday and tested on the following Friday. Children will additionally be practising their spellings at school during their Early Morning Task.

Phonics - We use the Phonics Bugs programme of study. This term we are focusing on consolidating the Phase 5 and 6 sounds, with particular emphasis on alternative ways of spelling sounds.  For example: a-e (like cake), ay (like stay), ai (like train), etc. These lessons will integrated into spelling lessons and will teach children a variety of spelling rules.

Reading - We encourage children to read at home to a parent as often as possible and remind you that this is part of the children's Literacy homework.  Journals are checked each morning and Dojo rewards are given if parents/carers have commented and signed the journal to record reading.  Books are changed regularly (no more than twice per week). I will additionally endeavour to read with your child at least once a week so could I ask that reading books and diaries are brought to school daily.

Maths - In addition to daily Maths lessons, the children have an opportunity to practise their times tables on TTRS and during Early Morning Task are given a range of mental maths questions to answer. Every Friday, the children will be set homework on MyMaths to be completed online by the next Friday.  

On PE days (Wednesday and Friday) children should come into school wearing black tracksuit bottoms, school T-Shirt and school red hoodie or red jumper and trainers. 

Children should come into school in school uniform and bring a coat, water bottle and healthy snack, also a lunchbox if they are having sandwiches. All items should be clearly named.

Outdoor Woodland Learning - Pupils should come to school dressed in outdoor learning clothes including a waterproof coat. Please bring named boots if it is wet and a sun hat as needed.  Diary dates for Outdoor Woodland Learning will be issued.

I am looking forward to a new and exciting term. I hope the children enjoy the topics this year and I am confident they will show me what incredible learners they are. Thank you for your support, I am always available to speak to if you have any concerns or questions.

Mrs Jackson