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St Mary's CE Primary School

st mary's CE primary school

School Council

At St Mary's we greatly value our pupils opinions. To provide them with a voice on varying matters, we have 3 committees, The 'Green' Council, The 'Safety' Council and The 'Values' Council. 

Children are voted on to these committees by their peers and they meet half termly. There are also staff members on these committees - but it is the children who chair and drive these meetings!

The children are encouraged to take a proactive approach in local and national matters. Past projects have been road safety, fund raising and many competitions. Children also lead Worship and offer suggestions, such as the introduction of a prayer book for each class. It was due to the school council that the 'Buddy Bus' in the friendship area was purchased - so that no child at St.Mary's ever feels lonely.

 Minutes of the meetings are held in the school office and are available to read at any time.