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St Mary's CE Primary School

st mary's CE primary school



Welcome to Reception


Long Term Plan

Welcome to School!

Here is some key information for you and your child this year: 

Miss White is the teacher in Reception class. 

PE Days : Monday and Tuesday

(please come into school wearing PE kit, with hair tied back and no jewellery)


OWL days: Friday

(please come into school wearing OWL kit with long sleeves and trousers, and wellies)


Our topics this year will be: 

Autumn - Marvellous me and Let's celebrate.

Spring - Traditional Tales and Out of this World.

Summer - Animal Kingdom and Our Wonderful World.

This half term our topic is 'Animal Kingdom'.

What will we be learning this half term? 

Literacy Maths Topic
Week 1 We will be describe the animals from the book Monkey Puzzle.  We are learning about the numbers 11-15.  We will be looking at different patterns that can be found on animals. 
Week 2 We will be writing our own descriptions for animals from the book "Dear Zoo."  We are learning about numbers 16-20. We will be adding our own ingredients to a pasta salad. 
Week 3 We will be learning to answer different questions about The Very Hungry Caterpillar.  We will be learning to add more.  We will be learning to plant some seeds. 
Week 4 We are learning to ask some different questions about the book, "Dear Dinosaur".  We are learning to take away.  We are learning about fossils. 
Week 5 We are learning to write an invitation.  We are learning to use positional language.  We are learning about the French language. 
Week 6 We are learning to write a shopping list.  We are learning to make shapes out of other shapes.  We are learning to make animal sculptures from clay. 
Week 7 We are learning to write instructions.  We are learning to explore repeating patterns.  We are learning about the lifecycle of a butterfly. 


This half terms homework

Morning drop off and afternoon collections

In the first week, the children will come into school and be collected from the red gate at the front of school. 

After the first week, children will be dropped off at the green gate with the rest of the school and walk around to their classroom by themselves. Children will then be collected from their classroom door on the Key stage 1 playground at the end of the day. 


Home/school communication

Communication between home and school is so important. The children have a reading diary that we can use as a communication tool. Please pop a note in there if there is anything we need to know. We will do likewise.

There is also the text service you can use to send messages to the office, these will then be passed onto the class teacher. 

Alternatively, you can wait until the end of the day and all of the children have been dismissed and speak to the teacher directly. 


What our week looks like


What our learning looks like

In Reception we learn through play. We do lots of fun activities that help us to learn. Sometimes the adults will set up a game or activity and ask the children to join in. Sometimes the children have free choice play (Choose Time) and the adults might go and play with the children in their games. 



What are the children learning?

In Reception, we follow the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) 2021.

This EYFS has 7 areas. These seven areas and split into two categories: Prime Areas and Specific Areas. 

Prime Areas - Communication and Language; Personal, Social and Emotional Development; Physical Development 

Specific Areas - Literacy; Maths; Understanding the World; Expressive Arts and Design


The Prime Areas are fundamental skills that work together and support the development in all other areas. 


The Specific Areas include essential skills and knowledge to help children participate successfully in society.