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St Mary's CE Primary School

st mary's CE primary school
Life at St Mary's CE Primary School Life at St Mary's CE Primary School Life at St Mary's CE Primary School Life at St Mary's CE Primary School Life at St Mary's CE Primary School Life at St Mary's CE Primary School Life at St Mary's CE Primary School Life at St Mary's CE Primary School Life at St Mary's CE Primary School Life at St Mary's CE Primary School Life at St Mary's CE Primary School Life at St Mary's CE Primary School Life at St Mary's CE Primary School Life at St Mary's CE Primary School


Religious Education in a Church school should enable every child to flourish and to live life in all its fullness. (John 10:10).

Our RE Curriculum is intrinsic to our schools Christian Vision in enabling all our pupils to Flourish. It ensures that all our pupils acquire a deep knowledge and understanding of Christianity, including its uniqueness and diversity. Children will also engage with a range of religions and world views. Learning activities provide for the needs of all pupils. Pupils develop a wide range of skills including enquiry, analysis, interpretation, evaluation and reflection. Pupils have a safe space to explore their own religious, spiritual and/or philosophical ways of seeing, living and thinking, believing and belonging. In addition, the RE Curriculum contributes to British Values and Spiritual, Moral Social and Cultural Development

Religion Curriculum

Progression of Skills